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Accessible travel

 Quick Summary

In Tasmania, most public transport is by bus, and there are a number of service providers, with Metro being the main transport company. Many bus companies offer low floor access vehicles suitable for wheelchairs or other mobility aids, but it is a good idea to check with your local bus company before you travel. Bus fares are set by the Department of State Growth, and concessions or free travel are available for students, people with disability or on low incomes and older people. The concession fare is half of the adult fare and is the same in urban and regional areas. The Transport Access Scheme assists people with a lifelong and severe disability with parking permits, discounted vehicle registration and driving licenses, and taxi subsidies. Other methods of transport in Tasmania include ride-sourcing services such as Uber, and private operators such as the Bruny Island Ferry. Some private operators may offer discounted fares, but it’s best to check before you travel.

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