Tasmania has the strongest anti-discrimination laws in the country. In Australia, laws require employers to make reasonable adjustments for a person with disability who applies for a job, is offered employment, or is an employee.
Needed adjustments depend on your individual needs. You may not need any workplace adjustments. You may need minor changes or adjustments to your work hours to perform the duties of your job, or you may require specific equipment or some structural change to your workplace. Many adjustments cost very little or nothing at all. A workplace assessment can help to determine what is needed.
Adjustment examples are: providing telephone typewriter (T.T.Y.) phone access for employees with hearing or speech impairments, purchasing screen reading software for employees with a vision impairment, approving additional regular breaks for people with chronic pain or fatigue, and buying desks with adjustable heights for people using a wheelchair.
The Australian Government website is the best source to get all the information you and your employer need to get started. Check out their Job Access page.
Knowing and understanding your needs as they relate to your disability is a great start for you to get ready for a discussion with a new employer.
Think about what adjustments you may need. Take a look at the Disability and Adjustment page to review different types of disability and the sort of adjustments they might require.
Let your potential or new boss know that there are plenty of great resources available to help them. Some of these can be found on the Tools and Resources page.
A workplace assessment is a great place to start. The Job Access website has a page called Employment Assistance Fund (E.A.F.) where you can find out more about free workplace assessments.
Assessors can work out what modifications or equipment you will need and how much they will cost.
Assessors are qualified and will look at your workplace with you and identify needed adjustments and modifications. The assessor will talk with you and your employer to find solutions to make your workplace work for you.
You can find out more about workplace assessments in our Finding Your Way article Wage Subsidies and Workplace Assistance.