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 Quick Summary

You, or the person you care for, may need to see a counsellor to help with feelings and emotions. Counsellors are trained to help you clarify the issues you may be experiencing and come up with positive strategies for coping. Many people find it is helpful just to be able to tell their story to someone who is a good listener. Because counsellors must keep your information confidential, you may find it easier to be honest about your feelings. Some examples of areas counsellors may be able to help include - mental health issues, stress, anxiety, anger management, bullying or social difficulties, eating disorders and relationship problems. You may be eligible for a mental health care plan, which means Medicare will cover some or all of the cost of up to 10 counselling sessions per year. You would need to talk to your doctor about mental health care plans and whether they are right for you or the person you care for.

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