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 Quick Summary

There are many ombudsmen in Tasmania. People in these professional roles act independently in your interest to resolve complaints. They mainly work on improving the standard of Tasmanian public services. If you have already complained to a service and are unhappy about their response, you can complain to an ombudsman. Ombudsmen assist with complaints about the actions of Tasmanian government departments and agencies, local councils, the treatment and welfare of people in prison, and the management and actions of any state-owned businesses and government business enterprises. Remember, if you think the actions of others are illegal, contact the Tasmanian Police. In an emergency call 0 0 0. In a non-emergency, call the Police Assistance Line on 1 3 1 4 4 4. Text Telephone (T.T.Y.) users can phone 1 3 3 6 7 7 and ask for 1 3 1 4 4 4.

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